The Readings at the Easter Vigil: the ‘four nights of salvation’

On Wednesday 20th March 2024, as Holy Week approached, Fr Adrian Graffy, parish priest of Gidea Park and member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, gave a short talk in the parish hall entitled ‘The Readings of the Easter Vigil: the four nights of salvation’. The Liturgy of the Word at the Vigil is a major component, and provides a panorama of the history of salvation. In particular, Fr Adrian pointed out that the Targum Jonathan, when speaking of Exodus, mentions ‘four nights of salvation’, three of which correspond to the opening readings of the Liturgy of the Word at the Easter Vigil. Fr Adrian examines all seven readings from the Hebrew and Greek Bibles, and also the New Testament readings from St Paul and the Synoptic Gospels. This was an enlightening way to prepare for the celebration of the Vigil, which is often daunting to parishioners. We were invited to deepen our awareness and love for the holy Scriptures, as Easter drew near.